- Auto-lock: Disable this setting to prevent your device from sleeping automatically while forScore is open.
- Search: Adjust which kinds of results are shown and in which order, how many recent items are listed, and more.
- Show recent items: Choose how many recent items to show in the search panel before you’ve typed anything into the search field (enter 0 for none).
- Search results: Check or uncheck specific result types and reorder them to prioritize those you want to see first.
- Search PDF text for title: When creating a bookmark, as you type in the title field this feature can offer page number suggestions based on occurrences of that text within the PDF file (not available for image-based files).
- Devices: Connect to certain types of accessories like the AirTurn PED or IKMultimedia BlueBoard.
- MIDI: Toggle the ability to send and receive MIDI commands or use the piano keyboard as a synthesizer.
- Send commands: Allow forScore to send signals you’ve added to specific scores each time you open them (see Metadata)
- Receive shortcuts Allow forScore to interpret some incoming MIDI signals as score shortcuts (see the Metadata section) or action shortcuts (see Page Turners & Shortcuts)
- Synthesizer: Allow forScore to play piano sounds in response to incoming note messages.
- MIDI network setup: Connect to a nearby network MIDI session.
- Bluetooth MIDI devices: Connect to nearby Bluetooth LE-enabled MIDI devices.
- forScore Pro: Get more out of forScore with this optional, auto-renewing subscription.
- Manage subscription: Learn more about, and sign up for, the forScore Pro service.
- Pop-up menus: Enable or disable popup menus and manage your pinned tools.
- Face gestures: If your device supports it, choose which face gesture mode to use and calibrate its sensitivity.
- Up next: See the next queued item’s title in the status bar when you reach the last page of the current item.
- Gestures: Configure forScore’s taps, swipes, and shortcuts to better suit your needs.
- Page turners & shortcuts: Use keyboard shortcuts, MIDI signals, page turner pedal presses, or an Apple Pencil 2 double tap gesture to trigger certain actions.
- Page transitions: This setting affects the transition animation that is used when turning pages.
- Flip between scores: Choose when to advance from the end of one score to the beginning of the next, like a book.
- Landscape scrolling: When using landscape orientation, scroll up and down by half or a third of a page (11-inch iPad Pro only).
- Two-up page advance: Choose whether to advance one or two pages at a time when using two-up mode.
- Show status bar: Controls whether the system status bar along the top of the screen is visible while using forScore.
- Controls (or inline settings): Prevent the seek bar from hiding when the title bar is dismissed, show the tab bar when a single tab is open, and control how the title bar behaves (if your device supports resizable windowing).
- Theme: Adjust the look and feel of forScore’s interface.
- Colors: Change forScore’s primary interface colors or choose from a list of built-in themes.
- Interface style: Choose to always use light mode, always us dark mode, or follow the system setting instead.
- Icon weight: Choose a bolder or lighter style for most icons and buttons.
- Page dimming: When using dark mode, forScore can dim your pages to reduce contrast in low light environments.
- Score menu includes bookmarks: Bookmarks typically appear in two places—the bookmarks menu itself, and alongside other files in the score menu. Disable this to hide bookmarks from the score menu.
- Use external audio: When forScore launches, it checks to see if iOS’ shared audio system is currently in use. If so, this option will allow you to control playback of that track, temporarily overriding any linked tracks.
- Sorting: Adjust how forScore sorts your composers, scores, and bookmarks.
- Sort composers by first name: Alphabetizes by first word in the composer value instead of the last word.
- Smart sorting: For checked items, sorting ignores common prefixes like “the,” “a,” or “an.”
- PDF annotations: Choose which kinds of embedded PDF annotations should be visible (and interactive, if applicable).
- Exit two-up mode to annotate: If you’re using two-up mode, use this setting to control whether or not forScore should temporarily return to one-up mode and enlarge the current page while annotating.
- Apple Pencil: Adjust how annotation works when using Apple Pencil or the similar Logitech Crayon.
- Automatically enter annotation mode: Allows you to begin drawing at any time without entering annotation mode first.
- Automatically exit annotation mode: Allows forScore to save your work and exit annotation mode after a brief period of inactivity (defaults to Never).
- Prevent finger drawing: Restricts drawing to Apple Pencil in order to prevent accidental input.
- Variable width: Choose whether to increase drawing width based on tilt and/or pressure, and optionally enable a more advanced method of curve drawing.
- Switch tools: Apple Pencil 2’s double tap gesture can control which annotation tool is currently active, and by default only works while you’re in annotation mode. Enable this setting to allow the gesture to work at all times (if you do, this gesture will no longer be configurable within the Page Turners & Shortcuts panel).
- Annotation tools: Control how forScore saves your last-used preset between annotation sessions.
- Remember tool selection: Allow or prevent forScore from saving your last-used annotation tool.
- Default tool: Choose a specific tool to always be selected when you enter annotation mode. If an item is selected in this section, the previous section has no effect.
- Add period with double-space: iOS automatically adds a period when you type two spaces into a text field. Disable this setting to prevent that behavior while using forScore’s text annotation tool.
- Variable width: Adjust how much forScore should emphasize your drawings based on speed or Pencil pressure and tilt.
- Accessibility: Enable or disable certain features, change the app’s color, adjust the size of links and buttons, or customize the metronome’s sounds.
- App icon: Change forScore’s app icon.
- In-app purchases: Access any downloadable content you’ve previously purchased through forScore’s storefront.
- Advanced options: Access advanced/older settings and temporarily re-enable retired features that have limited support and may be removed in future updates.
- Restrictions: Set a passcode and hide certain features.
- Reset: Restore default app settings, stamps, or drawing presets, or scan your library and remove any unused data.
All content copyright © 2025 forScore, LLC. All rights reserved. No portion of this document may be reproduced, modified, or distributed without permission.