All Categories / Drag and Drop
You can drag scores and bookmarks from many of forScore’s list views, including the Score menu, the Bookmarks menu, the contents of a setlist in the Setlist menu, search results in the Search panel, and you can drag the current item out of the main view’s title display.
Opening Items
Drop a single score or bookmark into the main view’s title display to open it, or drag one or more items into the Tab bar to open them in tabs. If the Tab bar isn’t already visible, it will slide out when you drag an item over the page so you can access it if needed.
Use Drag and Drop to create or update setlists in several different ways: Drop one or more items into the Setlists menu to create a new setlist with those items. Drop them onto an existing setlist to add them to the end of it, or hover over a setlist for a few moments to open it. Drop items into a setlist’s contents to add them to that setlist at a specific point.
While viewing a directory in the Services panel, drop one or more scores into the list to upload them. You’ll be asked to choose which format you’d like to use (PDF, annotated PDF, or 4SC file) before the upload begins.