Safeguard your forScore library
forScore Backup Utility helps you archive your entire forScore library to your Mac running macOS 10.14 or later. If you ever need to recover your scores, metadata, setlists, annotations, and settings, a full restore takes just a few minutes.
Easy backups
forScore’s Backups panel can create an archive of your entire library, but you’ll need sufficient storage space on your device to duplicate all of that data. That’s where forScore Backup Utility comes in: it transfers your library to your Mac via USB cable one file at a time and assembles the archive on the computer. No worrying about free space, no copying the archive over afterward, just a few quick steps.
Recovery or migration
Whether you’re moving to a new device or recovering from an issue, forScore Backup Utility lets you restore just your forScore library without touching any of your other apps or settings.
You’ve worked hard to build your forScore library, don’t let catastrophe destroy it forever. Get forScore Backup Utility today. It’s efficient, complete, and absolutely free.
File Sharing
For years, iTunes File Sharing gave users an easy way to transfer files between their computers and iOS apps over a USB cable. Apple removed most app functions from iTunes 12.7, but File Sharing stayed put, in pretty much the same form as when it was first introduced back in 2010.
Then Apple introduced macOS 10.15 and ditched iTunes, splitting up its functions and moving the File Sharing panel over to Finder instead. Unfortunately, a few things got lost in the move and the newest iteration just isn’t good enough, so we took matters into our own hands and built our own File Sharing interface right into forScore Backup Utility.
File Sharing in forScore Backup Utility does everything the old iTunes panel did and more: item previews, sorting, and a smarter PDF renaming function that keeps your scores’ annotations and metadata intact. For Windows users and those running macOS 10.14 or earlier, iTunes is as reliable as ever.
Available Now.
forScore Backup Utility is a free downloadable app for Mac. It is a universal app, built to run natively on both Apple Silicon- and Intel-based Macs running macOS 10.14 or later. Backup utility works in conjunction with forScore version 10.5 or later on your iPad, iPhone, or iPod Touch. File Sharing requires forScore 11.1 or later.
Legacy Versions:
Backup Utility 1.0 (requires macOS 10.13+, forScore 10.5+)