Creating a new library

All Categories / Working with Libraries

Use these steps to create a new library in forScore:

  • Open the Scores menu to the root Categories view (tap the back button if necessary) and tap the Library button in the upper left corner
  • Tap the + button to add a new library, then give the library a name
  • If you’d like to reorder your libraries, tap “edit” and drag the three lines to the right of each item up or down
  • Tap to select your new library and make it active, closing the Libraries list and returning you to the Scores menu

Any scores you add to forScore are automatically added to the current library, but since your new library is empty right now there won’t be much to look at. Return to the libraries list and select “All Libraries” to browse for the scores you’d like to use. In the metadata panel, choose the “libraries” tab and tap the name of your new library to place a check mark next to it. This works while batch editing, too, so you can add multiple scores to a library quickly and easily.

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