Linking audio to your scores with Music Binding

All Categories / Working with Audio, Working with Scores

If you want to use an audio track with a particular piece, you can associate that track with the corresponding sheet music in forScore and control playback directly from within the app. Open the Metadata panel for the score or bookmark and select the “Audio” tab. Tap the + buttons to select tracks from your device’s shared music library or from files stored in the app’s documents directory. (Audio files can be created using the record feature, imported from other apps, or transferred via Apple’s File Sharing panel.)

The media box updates every time you turn the page, disappearing if there is no track associated with the current score or bookmark, so you don’t have to spend time looking through your audio library every time you want to listen to it—just press play.

If multiple tracks are associated with the current score, swipe left and right over the album artwork to move between them.

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