
App Store Reviews

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Without being a developer, you may not realize just how disproportionate sales figures are to the number of ratings and reviews an app gets. We’re not going to dive into sales data, but we’ll venture to guess that apps get, on average, less than 2 ratings for every hundred sales (assuming they’re not actively asking people for feedback). What’s worse, apps get less than one review for every two hundred sales.

If you’re reading this, then you’re probably a forScore user or considering becoming one. Either way, your final purchasing decision will likely depend at least in part on the reviews in the App Store. Most shoppers don’t just look at these and make a decision based on them alone, but isn’t it scary to think that your opinion of an app depends on the opinions of the 0.5% of people who actively decided to review an app?

Many developers try to solve this problem by asking their users to rate or review their app from within the app itself. Now, as much as ratings and reviews can conceivably help boost sales and in turn benefit overall development, we’ve never been keen on the idea of prompting people to give us their feedback within the app itself. In fact, we’ve never asked for reviews before at all. You bought the app, so you should be able to use it without getting nagged for anything that isn’t designed to help you, the customer.

On the other hand, we know how useful these reviews actually are, and so we’d like to ask for a few minutes of your time to help potential customers understand the real pros and cons of using forScore. Maybe there’s something you didn’t realize from our marketing or from other reviews that you think is important to know, or maybe you just want to give us a shout-out! Just know that Apple doesn’t allow you to review an app if you downloaded it with a promo code. (Sorry, AirTurn promotioneers!)

Thanks for reading, and thanks as always for your support.

Visit forScore’s App Store page on your iPad or in iTunes to leave a review. (If the link opens in your browser, use the “View in iTunes” button.)