Adding and removing setlists

All Categories / Working with Setlists

To delete an entire setlist, swipe your finger across it from right to left and confirm by pressing the “delete” button. You can also tap the “edit” button and select one or more setlists, then choose “delete” from the options along the top.

Use the same process to remove one or more entries from a setlist (note that the buttons will read ‘remove’ instead of ‘delete’ since removing an item from a setlist doesn’t affect the original item).

While viewing a setlist, use the + button to add new items to it. A full- screen editor will appear, showing you the current setlist on the left and your library on the right. Tap on any item in your library to add it to your setlist—a dot will appear next to items that already belong to the setlist. You can also delete items from the setlist or rearrange them at any time.

Three buttons along the bottom of the editor give you additional options: add the current score to your setlist, create a placeholder with a custom name, or add all of the items listed on the right to your setlist at once.

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