Tips for scanning your hard copy sheet music

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Most scanner software will allow you to create a PDF file directly from individual page scans, but keep in mind that forScore’s performance can vary widely based on the characteristics of the files you’re using. Keep your file sizes low by choosing a dpi of around 100-150 (up to 300 if you’ll need to zoom in often to see small details or if you have a device with a Retina display), and consider using a grayscale setting since color information typically isn’t very important for score. Each combination of scanner hardware and software is different, so try a few different test files to find the best balance between quality and performance to suit your own needs.
Note: most scanner software also has an option to “append” or create “multi-page” PDFs. We highly recommend using this feature to combine all pages from a score into a single file, rather than keeping each page as a separate file.

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