Using menu search and filters

All Categories / Tips and Tricks, Working with Bookmarks, Working with Scores, Working with Setlists

In many of forScore’s menus, you can drag the list downward to reveal a search bar that allows you to quickly find exactly what you’re looking for in that list by showing items whose title or certain metadata match your query.

When you’re viewing a list of items in the Score, Bookmark, or Setlist menus, you’ll also see a filter icon on the right-hand side of the search bar that allows you to narrow down that list of items by more advanced rules. Tap this button to show the Filters interface. (A similar Filter button is also available to the left of the search bar in forScore’s global Search panel.)

This interface features two sections: the Filters section contains any rules you’ve set up and allows you to add new ones, and the Recent section allows you to quickly reuse recent rules. Tap the + button to create a new rule, then tap to select one or more Composers, Genres, Tags, Labels, or Setlists. At the bottom of the panel, you’ll see the “matching rule” which defines how forScore should interpret your rule.

With only one category or setlist selected, you’ll be able to tap here to toggle between two modes: Contains (shows items that belong to that category or setlist) and Not (shows items that don’t belong to that category or setlist). With multiple categories or setlists selected, these modes change to Matches Any (shows items that belong to at least one category or setlist), Matches All (only shows items that match all of the selected categories or setlists), and Not (shows items that do not belong to all of the selected categories or setlists).

Tap the Done button when you’re finished setting up your rules and you’ll be returned to your list with the results now narrowed down accordingly. A blue bar below the signals that the list is currently being filtered, and you can tap here to remove the filters when you’re done.

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