Feature of the Week

Drag and Drop: Items

| Feature of the Week

Today we begin our exploration of the many different ways you can use the Drag and Drop gestures we outlined last week, and the most obvious place to start is with Items (scores and bookmarks in your forScore library).

As you may recall, Drag and Drop lets you drag a single object or a collection of similar objects at once to do things with them. So when it comes to explaining what exactly can be done with these new capabilities, it’s easier (and more concise) to talk in terms of sources and destinations. Just remember that you can drag one item from a single source, or drag multiple items from one or more sources.

Items can be dragged from most of the places you’re used to seeing them: the score, bookmark, and setlist menus, as well as the global search panel. You can drag items from multiple menus, but you can even drag them from different lists within the same menu: grab a score from a certain composer, then another one in a certain genre, add a few scores from one of your favorite setlists, then pick a bookmark from the Search panel’s results. You can even drag the current item out of the main view’s central title bar display.

Once you’re dragging your item(s), you can do a lot with them like drop them into the main Setlists menu to create a new setlist, into an existing setlist to add them at a specific point, or into the Services panel to upload them to your preferred cloud storage provider. We’ll be exploring some of these uses in future Feature of the Week articles, but for now let’s focus on two simpler tasks to get you started: Drag an item onto the page and the tab bar will slide out (if it’s not already visible), allowing you to drop the item there to open it in a new tab. You can also drop an item onto the main view’s central title bar display to open it in the current tab. If you haven’t tried out Drag and Drop yet, these are great places to begin.

There’s a lot more to Drag and Drop, so stay tuned in the coming weeks as we continue to unpack the impressive number of interactions these new gestures enable. By the end, you’ll be wondering how anyone ever did any of this the old way!