Many or all files missing

All Categories / General Troubleshooting

forScore allows you to create libraries so you can work with a subset of your scores, bookmarks, and setlists without seeing everything else in forScore. When a specific library is selected, only that library’s contents will be visible in forScore’s menus. If most or all of your files have suddenly disappeared, the most common reason is that you’re viewing a different library than you might expect.

To verify this, open the Scores menu and tap the back button until you see the category list (composers, genres, tags, or labels). In the top left-hand corner, you’ll find the Library button. This button’s title changes to show the currently selected library, so it may be called “Library” or it may have a different name you supplied when creating your custom library. Tap this button and choose “All Libraries” to see all of your items.

If you created a new library by accident and no longer need it, you may remove it by reopening the list of libraries and swiping over it from right to left. Tap “delete” and confirm to remove the library—this will NOT remove the scores, bookmarks, or setlists within that library, which will all still be visible when “All Libraries” is selected.

If you have verified that the “All Libraries” item is selected and still cannot find your files, contact us so we can troubleshoot the issue with you.

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