Preventing finger input while drawing

All Categories / Devices and Accessories, Editing Your Scores

If you’re using Apple Pencil (1st or 2nd generation) or Logitech Crayon to annotate, iOS provides great palm rejection right out of the box. While the system is good at ignoring unintentional touches, there’s still a chance that your fingers can make stray markings while you draw with one of these styluses. If that’s the case, the “prevent finger drawing” option in the Apple Pencil section of forScore’s settings panel may help. When this setting is enabled and active, you’ll be able to use your fingers to interact with forScore normally (switch tools, zoom in on the page, and tap other interface elements), but only your stylus will be able to draw markings on the page.

Because your stylus isn’t always around, and because Apple doesn’t give developers an efficient way of checking whether or not a stylus is currently connected, forScore uses different techniques to determine when to apply this setting or not. In previous versions of forScore (10.0-10.4.9), this setting only worked if you entered annotation mode by tapping the page with your stylus.

As of forScore 10.5, forScore simply tracks the last time the stylus touched the screen. As long as you’ve used your stylus within the last 15 minutes, finger drawing will be prevented no matter how you activate annotation mode. If you need to re-enable finger drawing because your stylus is out of reach or out of power, tap the new hand icon in the center of the annotation toolbar. If you do, you’ll be able to continue drawing with your fingers until the next time you use your stylus.

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