Adding files from a computer

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There are many different ways to add files to your forScore library, but if you’re starting out with forScore and you have an existing collection of PDF files on your computer, File Sharing is the easiest way to begin. Users running Windows (all versions) or macOS 10.14 or earlier will find the File Sharing interface within iTunes, while users running macOS 10.15 can access this panel directly through Finder. Apple frequently updates their software and some of the instructions or screenshots you’ll find online may be slightly different than what you see at home.

With macOS 10.15, Apple replaced iTunes with the Music app and moved the File Sharing panel into Finder instead. As of October 2019, this panel is incomplete and does not offer basic functionality like the ability to select multiple items. Our free Mac app, forScore Backup Utility, offers a complete replacement of this panel with extra features like item previews and other safeguards to help you preserve your data when renaming files. Click here to learn more.

To add files using File Sharing, perform the following steps:

  • Close forScore on your iOS or iPadOS device
  • Access the File Sharing panel
  • Click “Add…” in the documents panel, if available, to open a file browser and choose one or more files
  • OR, drag and drop items from a file browser window over the documents list
  • The file transfer will start automatically and a progress bar will appear
  • When finished, you may disconnect your device and launch forScore

Unlike syncing music or other data to your device, copying files to and from an app through the File Sharing panel begins immediately. As soon as the progress bar is completed your files have been transferred and there’s no need to sync your device before disconnecting it and using forScore to access your files.

Note: the File Sharing interface lets you copy or immediately and permanently delete files within forScore’s Documents directory. Unlike when you delete items using the app, these files cannot be recovered if you make a mistake—before removing files, be sure you understand how that will affect your forScore library.

About Folders

When the iPad and iTunes File Sharing were first introduced, they were designed to work with files only and not with folders. Although recent updates have eased these restrictions slightly, working with folders through File Sharing is very limited and there’s no way to view a folder’s contents without copying it back to your computer first. Based on Apple’s original guidance, forScore was designed to work similarly and continues to work this way today—it recognizes files placed within its documents directory but ignores any subdirectories. If you have files organized into folders on your computer, you’ll need to copy each folder’s contents into forScore separately and handle any filename conflicts as they arise.

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