
forScore 2.7

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We’re happy to announce the immediate availability of forScore version 2.7. This update brings the implementation one of the longest-running feature requests we’ve had. Now, in addition to the score-wide margin adjustment tool that zooms in towards the center of all pages at once, you can crop individual pages by moving them around and resizing them to make the most of your iPad screen’s real estate.

We’ve also added the ability to import bookmarks from a PDF’s table of contents, included a way to edit entire categories with just a few taps, and more. The full list is below, and thanks to everyone for their incredible support and feedback!

• Pages can be cropped individually and off-center
• PDF table of contents information can now be imported as bookmarks
• Categories can now be edited directly from the score menu
• Optional scaling of text annotation font sizes when adjusting margins or cropping
• Metronome accuracy improvements
• Improved VGA out performance with iPad 1
• Performance improvements
• Bug fixes